Sell Carbon

Matching woodland and peatland projects with buyers since 2006

Carbon funding exists in the UK to help support the creation of new woodlands and the restoration of degraded peatlands. Since 2006, Forest Carbon has been helping land managers access this funding. 

How we can help you

Our services are tailor-made and transparent to allow a unique approach that suits each project. 

Why choose us?

Get in touch if you’re ready to discuss selling carbon through us. 

Payment options

The purpose of carbon funding is to enable woodland creation and peatland restoration projects. After nearly 20 years in the market, we know that each project has different funding needs and each land manager has preferences over if, when and how to sell their carbon.

Knowing this, Forest Carbon endeavours to be flexible and work with land managers to overcome financial constraints.

Fixed price

We can sell your carbon at a fixed price, providing certainty and liquidity. However, you risk losing out if carbon pricing increases in the future, which is predicted (but not guaranteed).

Revenue sharing

If you are reticent to sell your carbon at a fixed price when there’s a chance it could be worth more in the future, we have developed an option where we (you and Forest Carbon) share the risk/reward. 

This option allows you to secure some up-front funding, with a portion of the eventual value of the unit to be paid once a sale has been secured by Forest Carbon.

Get in touch to discuss which payment option is best for you. 

Alternatively, have a look at some example projects which we have helped to certify through a Code, and then sell the carbon for.

"Forest Carbon has been really fundamental in the whole process for us. They've provided us with all of the help, guidance and assistance that we've needed. We'd have been stuck without them, to be honest." - Lewis MacAskill, Assynt Foundation